Here’s an interesting announcement that came across my feeds. After the public launch of the world’s first digital human teacher in August ... Read more
It wasn’t all about AI in higher ed in 2023, but just about! In this special episode of Innovations in Education, editors Laura Ascione and Kevin Hogan go…
Over the past several months, the edtech industry has continued to evolve and revolutionize the way students learn. Ubiminds just released a report on the following trends to…
Through December, the editors at eSchoolNews will be collecting, reporting, and sharing the bold, provocative, and even dare we say, audacious predictions of edtech experts. Want to join…
The latest and greatest survey results compiled by Anthology, U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and the Institute of International Education (IIE), and Champlain…
Kevin is a forward-thinking media executive with more than 25 years of experience building brands and audiences online, in print, and face to face. He is an acclaimed writer, editor, and commentator covering the intersection of society and technology, especially education technology. You can reach Kevin at