Veteran urges popular college rankings to include veteran friendly statistics

With the passage of the Post-9/11 GI Bill, veterans became a prime target of for-profit colleges hoping to cash in on the new windfall of federal education dollars. While the schools largely succeeded, netting an outsized chunk of GI Bill tuition payments, some veterans found themselves steered into programs where instruction and support died off once their checks cleared, the Huffington Post reports. President Barack Obama, among others, blamed the problem on poor information. In April, Obama signed an executive order that attempts to curb misleading sales tactics used to lure veterans, and to force greater transparency on important statistics like graduation rates. But Paul Szoldra thinks that such information needs a higher profile. The former Marine sergeant, launched a petition on last week calling on U.S. News and World Report to create college rankings using stats important to veterans.

“It’s so fuzzy out there, there’s just so much junk when you’re searching for stuff,” he said. “It can make it very difficult. The idea is to give vets a better outlook from an unbiased source.”

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