Teaching in Higher Ed

This podcast is a must-listen for anyone in higher ed

The Teaching in Higher Ed Podcast, hosted by Bonni Stachowiak, features episodes on everything from cultural competence to online learning to creativity in teaching. With more than 220 episodes, there’s something for everyone!

Stachowiak has brought on close to 200 guests to discuss instructional design, diversity and inclusion, blended learning, and more. Her website has links to all of the resources mentioned in the episodes so listeners can easily access the great things they hear about.

Don’t miss episode 200, “Changing Our Minds About Teaching,” in which a group of educators discuss how their attitudes toward teaching have changed since the podcast launched in 2014.

To listen, you can search for an episode at the website, subscribe to the whole series, or tune in on Overcast, Stitcher Radio, or Google Play.

[Editor’s Note: eCampus News will be featuring a higher ed podcast every Friday. Send your favorites to eullman@ecampusnews.com.]

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