Have you had success with a particular ed-tech product or service? Want to recognize that product and share your success with your colleagues? Then nominate your favorite product(s) for our Ed-Tech Reader’s Choice Awards from eSchool Media.
Nominations can include hardware, software, or online services in any area of educational technology. Please include the name of the product or service, the company that provides it, and a brief but detailed description (no more than 200 words) telling us how you use the product or service and how it has benefitted your college, university, students, or faculty. (The more specifics you can provide, the better.)
Nominations must come from college or university personnel only, and the person submitting the nomination should have a valid school-issued eMail address. No nominations by vendors, please.
The deadline for nominations is Friday, April 25, 2014. Winners will be announced online in July 2014 and in the July/August 2014, “back-to-school” issue of eCampus News.
2014-15 Ed-Tech Reader’s Choice Awards!
Thank you to everyone for your numerous nominations.
Nominations for the 2014-15 Ed-Tech Reader’s Choice Awards are now closed. Nominations are being reviewed and tabulated.