Reread the five most popular articles from eCampus News in 2013. Did your favorite stories make the list?

eCampusNewsNovDec2013 has been a great year for eCampus News. Our editorial team and guest contributors have produced the very best coverage in higher education technology innovation.

Covering hot topics like massive open online courses (MOOCs), Big Data, and campus security, we strive to provide the most relevant and useful information to help colleges deliver instruction more effectively, enhance the student experience, and keep costs down.

Below are the five most popular stories of 2013.

Did your favorite eCampus News article make the list? Leave your comments below and share this article with friends and colleagues.

1. New: 10 of the best Apple and Android apps for education in 2013 

This year’s list includes some of the most highly rated apps, both by educators and by parents, and features a range that spans from interactive iBooks to current images of the universe, and from free video software to award-winning STEM curricula.

2. 10 popular, banned books

In this list, you’ll find 10 of the most widely banned books, some more recent and some old, that are also the most likely to be removed from school and library shelves.

3. Research: Social media has negative impact on academic performance

A new study released by researchers at The Miriam Hospital’s Centers for Behavioral and Preventive Medicine shows a link between social media use and poor academic performance. The study wasn’t limited to usage of traditional social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook, but instead included popular social technology like texting.

4. 10 ed-tech tools of the 70s, 80s, and 90s

As a fun Friday list, the editors have compiled a list of the education technologies we and our teachers used back in the day…you know, before the internet even existed. Can you think of an ed-tech tool not on the list? What was your favorite classroom tool when you were in school?

5. Pearson creates searchable catalog of open educational resources

An expansion of Pearson’s online learning environment OpenClass, Exchange will allow educators to search for and access thousands of resources, including videos from TED Ed, Kahn Academy and YouTube EDU, as well as courses from the Open Course Library.

We’d love to hear your feedback. Reply in the comment section below and tweet us at @ecampusnews.

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