
New campus app for emergencies simplifies protocols

Available without the need for internet connection, the safety flipchart app eliminates a campus’ hard copy emergency procedures

safety-campus-appLauren Innovations, a company that provides safety technologies and services, has announced the launch of a new safety flipchart app for education.

After an initial download, the secure flipchart application allows a campus’ selected employees quick and convenient access to emergency and crisis preparedness flipcharts, says the company, traditionally found in hard copy form, from their mobile phones or other app-compatible devices–without the need for internet connection.

“The electronic flipchart app technology is 100 percent customer- and industry-driven,” said James Hummel, chief operating officer, Lauren Innovations. “Throughout the research and development process, we partnered with several organizations in the education space. We assessed and analyzed their needs to create a refined and customizable technology that is easy to use and highly secure, while offering the capability to fully integrate with an organization’s safety preparedness and crisis response system.

“We feel strongly that this is a game-changer for many–especially those who rely on hard copy flipcharts, such as teachers and building facility teams,” he continued.

Campus administrators can customize their flipchart content into the application, assigning labels, color-coding, creating call lists and more, notes the company. They can also assign different user login and password information to various employee or staff groups. For example, teachers may receive one set of credentials while staff members receive another.

After a one-time download from the application store, users log in with the credentials they have been provided and the flipcharts are automatically loaded onto their device, making the electronic flipcharts available anywhere, anytime–with or without an Internet connection, explained Lauren Innovations. Each time a user opens the application, an automatic update is conducted to ensure all users are viewing the most current information.

“In a culture and environment when instant, reliable access is key, the ability to access an up-to-date reference from any mobile device is an irreplaceable asset,” said Chris Feller, executive director for facilities and safety at Aultman Health Foundation.

“Aside from ease of use and the assurance that all users are getting current content, one of the most important aspects of Lauren Innovations’ flipchart app is that it has several layers and dimensions of security built into it,” Feller added. “Flipchart content is only intended for select, permitted users. Anytime there is an employee or staff transition or turnover, the password, or passwords, can be changed and the application deleted as appropriate.”

Flipchart content may include emergency contact information, procedures for emergency drills such as tornados, fires or lock-down scenarios, or evacuation routes, reunification locations, student fights, unrest or demonstrations and more.

“The flipchart application eliminates need to carry this procedure and protocol information in bulky, hard copy form, giving school personnel–especially teachers–one less thing to think about in an emergency,” said the company.

Available as part of Lauren Innovations’ flagship NaviGate technology, the flipchart application allows emergency procedure and crisis preparedness information to remain current and eliminates costly printing associated with hard copy flipcharts, noted the company. As an extension to NaviGate and its cloud-based web portal, administrators have the opportunity to build, edit and review all flipcharts in one location while maintaining control of updates and published content.

According to Lauren Innovations, NaviGate is SAFETY Act Designated as an anti-terrorism-level technology by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Material from a press release was used in this report.

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