Schools must embrace the correct mix of technology and traditional learning to get ahead

schools-debateOn April 30, Future Tense, a partnership of Slate, the New American Foundation and Arizona State University, will hold a conference in Washington, D.C., called “Hacking the University: Will Tech Fix Higher Education?”

Addressing the ongoing global debate over the future of innovation in education, Paula Krebs, dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Bridgewater State University, emphasizes that institutions must accept new opportunities offered by digital technology to provide students with critical 21st century skills.

“We don’t need to build more huge high-tech buildings to train STEM graduates – we can teach students to build wikis in class. We don’t need to require that they purchase the latest high-tech device – we can work with what they have…”

For more on Read Krebs’ insightful commentary, read the full article in Slate.

Weighing in on the debate, Brad Lukanic, executive director of CannonDesign’s global education practice, argues that in spite of all the new technological developments in academia, the quintessential factor is how they impact students.

Read Lukanic’s 5 bold predictions for the future of higher ed in Fast Company’s Co.Exist.

What are your thoughts on the future of higher ed? Share your views and opinions by joining the conversation on Twitter @Michael_eSM.

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