Comprehensive look at MOOCs, and MOOC users around the world, reveal it’s more than just a trend

global-MOOC-infographicAre MOOCs just a trend that, thanks to common criticisms like ‘not as good as a face-to-face course’ and ‘low completion rates,’ will soon die out? According to recent statistics from MOOC providers, universities, and research firms, if it is a trend, it’s only increasing—around the world.

According to The New York Times, 2012 was ‘The Year of the MOOC;’ however, due to the large increases in MOOC users not just in the U.S. but in China, Spain, and Arabic-speaking countries, 2014 could be considered ‘The Year MOOCs Changed the World.’

From countries quickly catching up to the U.S. in providers to new information on user demographics, and from the history of where it all started to the various kinds of MOOCs offered, this infographic provides a comprehensive snapshot of MOOCs in 2014.

For example, did you know that Canada actually coined the term ‘MOOC’? Also, the common MOOC user is male, in his late 20s, employed, and has a bachelor’s degree?

In this average profile of a MOOC user, are MOOCs truly helping the people they’re intended to help? And even though MOOCs offered globally skyrocketed by over 600 just between February and April of this year, should providers be concerned that the average completion rate is still at 7 percent?

Be sure to leave your comments in the comment section, email me your thoughts at, or find me on Twitter @eSN_Meris.

(Next page: MOOC statistics infographic)

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