Three Rivers Systems Degree Audit features on display at centennial meeting of college registrars, admissions officers

Denver — March 28, 2014 — As the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers 100th annual meeting kicks off in Denver this weekend at the Colorado Convention Center, recruitment, retention and student success continue to be top-of-mind priorities at member higher education institutions.

Slated for March 30 through April 4, the centennial meeting will address challenges that did not exist just a decade ago. According to AACRAO, today’s colleges and universities face opportunities and challenges from the growing presence of social media and its many uses in recruitment and retention, to the need to adapt quickly to rapidly evolving technology and innovation on campuses, coupled with the expanding global scale of higher education.
As recruitment costs spiral upward, colleges and universities also face daily challenges to demonstrate their value, making student retention and appropriate outcomes critically important.

Degree audits are an essential tool in raising retention and student-success rates but are time-consuming and onerous when using most enterprise resources planning — ERP — or academic management systems. With CAMS® Enterprise academic ERP from Three Rivers Systems Inc., however, degree audits are built in and easily configured.

“We’re demonstrating CAMS Enterprise Degree Audit functionality and offering a case study in which one of our clients set up a complex auditing program in a few days,” said Jami Morshed, Three Rivers Systems’ vice president of global sales and marketing.

CAMS excels at all types of reporting because it is built on a secure, single shared Microsoft SQL database that serves all major departments and portals. So, all system-wide data is always available in real-time for any report. Thanks to CAMS Enterprise’s simplified yet “disruptive” architecture institutions using CAMS enjoy quick and widespread adoption by students, faculty and staff.

“Higher education is bracing for intense scrutiny, more reporting and greater attention to metrics related to successful student outcomes,” Morshed said. “Achieving maximum efficiency and productivity that helps deliver the ultimate student learning experience is every institution’s goal.”

According to Morshed, CAMS Enterprise Business Analytics, its sophisticated business-intelligence feature, empowers faculty, administrators, department heads and others to get the on-demand data they need in attractive easy-to-use dashboards that simplify and enhance the strategic decision-making process so necessary in today’s unforgiving environment of cost-consciousness and accountability.

Colleges and universities around the world are working more efficiently and effectively with CAMS Enterprise while their huge increases in productivity allow them to focus their resources on better serving students.

CAMS Enterprise is uniquely capable of meeting the special requirements of online programs as well. Whether it’s having the flexibility to offer semesters, trimesters, serial or concurrent terms all with variable start and end dates, CAMS can be readily configured. CAMS provides everything colleges and universities need to manage the entire student lifecycle, including recruitment; marketing; online applications; block-and-sequence registration; registration and payment; integrated financial aid; built-in degree audit; outcome tracking; built-in portals; mandated reports and much more, all integrated with medical applications.

AACRAO is a nonprofit, voluntary, professional association of more than 11,000 higher education admissions and registration professionals who represent more than 2,600 institutions and agencies in the United States and in over 40 countries around the world. The mission of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers is to serve and advance higher education by providing leadership in academic and enrollment services.

About CAMS Enterprise
CAMS Enterprise’s disruptive technology makes it a fundamentally different academic ERP unlike all others that were designed for the past and are incapable of operating efficiently in the modern world. CAMS Enterprise is an easy-to-use and implement, totally integrated, Web-native management system with everything in one place — admissions; student information; financial aid; student services; fiscal management with HR and payroll; fund-raising; alumni relations; document management, learning management, a full suite of portals, and more for managing the entire student life cycle. With an out-of-the-box configuration and self-service customization, CAMS Enterprise removes all barriers to success seen with conventional systems. CAMS’ affordable licensing, off-the-shelf configuration and easy implementation translate into the lowest total cost of ownership of any academic ERP while yielding the quickest and highest ROI.

About Three Rivers Systems Inc.
Three Rivers Systems Inc. is the only privately held, independent, debt-free, one-stop company focused solely on high-quality academic ERP solutions exclusively for higher education. For more than 25 years from its St. Louis headquarters, the company is keenly focused on innovation and service to its worldwide customers. Always innovating, the company invests significant revenues back into product R&D to improve existing products while developing new ones so users always get the exact functionality, industry experience and accurate project management they need. Its business model and products are designed to ensure institutional effectiveness, more-efficient business processes, student success and satisfaction.

Contact: Ron Kalb, Three Rivers Systems Inc., Director of Communications, 702-498-8916 (cell),

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