Just like technology, science is always changing to reflect progress and information learned. With these five science apps for education, you’ll find an array of apps that not only use high definition-quality visual representations, but also integrate the newest requirements in science standards.
These apps are some of the most current (and most vetted) for students and teachers interested in exploring the world science opens up, all through mobile technology.
This is just a sampling of available science apps. Do you use an app that isn’t on the list? Make sure to mention it in the comments section below.
[Editor’s note: Prices are current as of press time. Please note that app prices may fluctuate. Apps listed in alphabetical order.]
1. Secchi, iPhone/iPad, Android Free
Interested in Marine Biology? This “citizens” science app allows you to take part in a global study of the phytoplankton in the sea. Participants create a Secchi Disk to measure water clarity, which is used in the water until invisible from sight. The amount of phytoplankton is recorded on the Secchi app and uploaded to a database. Sunshine is required for accurate measurements.
(Next page: Apps 2-5)
2. mPing, iPhone/iPad/iTouch, Android Free
Are you addicted to the Weather Channel? Are you an aspiring meteorologist? If so, this app is definitely for you! Now you can experience first-hand the thrill of tracking and providing weather reports. Users can anonymously update reports by selecting a variation of winter weather between “none” and “graupel/snow grains.” The app tracks GPS location, and data is submitted to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
3. What’s Invasive, iPhone/iPad/iTouch, Android Free
This ingenious mobile App extends the reach of scientific observation by giving the average park visitor the knowledge and ability to find, document and record the exact location of invasive species within a park. In just sixty seconds after entering the information, What’s Invasive uploads the findings to a database accessible by a variety of environmental organizations and scientists.
4. Loss of the Night, Android Free
Scientists developed this app to quantify the illumination of the night sky caused by artificial light. Loss of the Night was initially only accessible in German and English; now it has grown to include 11 languages. This app measures how the brightness of the sky changes over time, as lighting technologies change and cities grow.
5. NoiseTube, iPhone/iPad/iTouch, Android Free
The Belgian-based NoiseTube app helps turn smartphones into mobile noise level meters to encourage citizens to measure daily noise exposure. The data will be shared with the NoiseTube community through a collective map of noise pollution, and will be analyzed by local governments, city planners, and researchers.
What do you think of these science apps? Is there one that you feel should be included in this list? Share your thoughts in the comments section below and join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter.
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