
The top mobile technology Twitter accounts to follow

College and university IT decision makers, whether they wanted to or not, have had to adapt to the influx of mobile devices on campuses nationwide that have changed the way classes are taught and students learn.

Mobile device use has spiked on college campuses.

That means campus technologists are keeping a constant finger on the pulse of mobile technology, as students now show up to campus with more laptops, tablets, smartphones, and web-connected video game consoles than ever before.

Keeping up to date with mobile trends and technologies is no longer a choice for educators and campus IT officials. It’s an imperative.

Students now own an average of seven mobile devices, up from 6.4 in 2012, according to a study from Marketing Charts. The average 18-34-year-old student now spends 3.6 hours a day on their smart phone, up from 3.3 hours last year.

Twitter pulsates with the newest ways to use mobile technology in a variety of settings, including the virtual classroom, the traditional lecture hall, and anywhere students use their devices to learn.

Here are eCampus News’s top-5 mobile technology experts you should be following on Twitter, in higher education and beyond.

1. @UWdoIT: The University of Wisconsin’s IT service often tweets about emerging mobile trends and how the university is tailoring its services to better serve mobile-savvy students. This account answers mobile-related questions and discusses mobile apps with Twitter followers.

2. @SmartphoneChamp: This Twitter account provides constant updates about the newest, most popular mobile technologies, even before they enter the educational mainstream. The account appeals to both mobile experts and casual mobile device users, providing reviews of smartphones and tablets before they hit store shelves.

3. @PocketNow: This account has become well known in educational circles for its video tutorials detailing how to best use the latest tablets and smartphones. @PocketNow recently published an intriguing history of the Android platform five years after it was first introduced, along with a criticism of the ever-popular Apple iPhone.

See Page 2 for more mobile pros on Twitter…

4. @iPadGuru: Any student, IT official, or faculty member who owns an iPad should follow this account. Along with valuable advice for how to get the most out of Apple’s tablet, @iPadGuru provides reviews, giveaways, and input on iPad accessories that will be of interest to any educators hoping to use the tablet in the classroom.

5. @UnleashPhones: This is another must-follow for any student or educator hoping to keep up to date on breaking mobile technology trends, and what those trends might mean for mobile use on campus. Packed with news and analysis showing followers the best and worst parts of mobile technology, @UnleashPhones is an excellent source for mobile news.

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