News Corp.’s Amplify is latest with a MOOC for the high school crowd

High school kids across the country are getting the chance to make potentially thousands of new Facebook friends, Gigaom reports. That’s because massive open online courses (MOOCs), which have historically targeted college-age students and lifelong learners, are making their way to the pre-college crowd. This week, News Corp.’s education arm Amplify announced a high school MOOC for AP Computer Science. The course, which kicks off in August, is intended to give students two semesters of academic instruction in preparation for the College Board’s exam. The online program, taught by an experienced high school teacher, is free to students. And an added option, called MOOC Local, which provides schools with students in the CS MOOC additional resources, will cost $200 per student but is free to schools for the first year. While high school MOOCs are a relatively new wrinkle in the MOOC movement, their numbers seem to be gaining.

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