One reporter’s experience taking a MOOC

“Alas, I busted my deadline,” writes Washington Post reporter Nick Anderson. “As I write this, my assignment was due 13 hours ago. In this case, I was not late in filing a story for [the] Post. Rather, I failed the other day to complete by 11:59 p.m. a weekly quiz for an online course I am taking called ‘The Modern World: Global History since 1760.’

“I signed up for this free class, from University of Virginia Professor Philip Zelikow, to help my reporting for a story on how Zelikow is using online lectures not only to teach masses of adult learners from around the world but also to improve how he teaches U-Va. students in person…”

So, what’s it like to take a MOOC, Anderson asks? He says the material is absorbing, and the work requires discipline—but it’s not too demanding. The students are inspiring, and the professor really matters…

Click here for the full story.

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