Report: 72 percent of adults now send text messages

Texting among adults is on the rise, with more than 72 percent of those over 18 using the technology—but their usage still pales in comparison to texting among teenagers, who send an average of five times as many texts as their adult counterparts, PC Magazine reports. Of the 2,252 people surveyed by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, about 72 percent of adults said they sent text messages in May 2010, compared with 65 percent of adults surveyed in September 2009. Adult texters are sending an average of 10 texts per day, while those ages 12 to 17 are sending about 50 texts per day. There are some prolific adult texters—about 5 percent of adults send 200 texts per day or more; about 15 percent of teens do the same. Gender is not a major factor when it comes to texting; men and women send and receive the same number of texts on a daily basis. The report also found that if you text often, it’s likely that you also make a lot of voice calls. The reverse also was true: A small number of texts also translated into a small number of calls. Broken down by race, Pew found that African Americans and Hispanics are “more intense and frequent” users of a phone’s capabilities than whites. Parents with children under 18 in the home are also more likely to own a phone than those without kids, Pew said…

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