Leadership can make or break a school's success--discover some of the most innovative campus leadership strategies in play today

Where is campus leadership headed in the post-pandemic era?

Leadership can make or break a school's success--discover some of the most innovative campus leadership strategies in play today

Esports opens up a wealth of opportunities for students--here's what it looks like at higher-ed institutions today
Getting There: Innovations in Education
Where is campus leadership headed in the post-pandemic era?

While many institutional leadership practices remain fairly solid, the pandemic certainly changed other outdated approaches to leadership. The best leaders took the pandemic’s positive shifts and fully embraced them, changing the culture of their institution and modeling innovative progress.

One of the biggest changes, to date, is how online learning programs are viewed and supported—and how acceptance of online education is growing. In this episode of Innovations in Education, hosted by Kevin Hogan, listen to Dr. Steve Baule of Winona State University discuss some of the latest trends and initiatives in institutional leadership.

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Kevin Hogan