
University of Illinois launches Master of Science in Information Management

New Information Management degree meets the demands of an expanding job market in an info-centric society.

The University of Illinois School of Information Sciences is launching a new master’s degree to meet the demand for information professionals in a world that relies increasingly on information to solve complex problems.Since its founding in 1867, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has earned a reputation as a global leader in research, teaching, and public engagement. Illinois is also a pioneer in innovative distance and online education, led by the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning.

The Master of Science in Information Management provides advanced information management and analysis skills that can be applied in a broad range of employment sectors. This preparation is grounded in an interdisciplinary, human-centered approach, emphasizing the practical application of data-driven solutions to make the world a better place.

“Our degree prepares students for successful careers in the design and management of information systems,” said Professor Michael Twidale, program director. “They learn how information can be accessed, organized, and utilized to provide useful insights that will benefit organizations and the people they serve.”

With only three required courses—and a programming course, if needed—the curriculum is very flexible and can be customized based on career interests. Students have the opportunity to choose from four professional pathways at the intersection of people, information, and technology:

  • data science and analytics;
  • privacy, trust, security, and ethics;
  • information architecture and design; and
  • knowledge management and information consulting.

In addition to technical skills, students learn how to work with colleagues possessing diverse skill sets to use analytical insights to produce actionable results. Upon graduating, they are poised to assume leadership roles in a variety of employment settings, including corporations, for-profit and nonprofit organizations, and government.

“The goal of our program is to equip professionals to communicate across disciplinary boundaries with ‘design thinking,’ asking: what is the problem, and how can I use available technologies to address it?” said Twidale.

Initially offered on campus in Fall 2016, the new degree will be expanded to include an online degree option in Spring 2017. The application deadline for spring enrollment is October 15, 2016. For more information, including admission requirements and tuition, visit

For more information about the MS/IM degree, please contact Professor Twidale at or (217) 265-0510.

Material from a press release was used in this report.


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