Tech leaders plan virtual push on immigration

High-tech leaders—including the former heads of AOL and Mozilla—are organizing a “virtual march for immigration reform” aimed at pressuring lawmakers to enact sweeping changes to the nation’s immigration laws, reports the Associated Press.

The effort, unveiled Feb. 25, is particularly focused on making it easier for the U.S. to attract highly educated immigrants and those aiming to work in high-tech fields.

Silicon Valley leaders and others have long complained of the difficulties of bringing high-tech workers to the U.S. and allowing them to stay once they’re here, and immigration legislation taking shape on Capitol Hill is expected to address the issue.

The group’s priorities for emerging immigration legislation include more visas for high-tech workers; a new visa for entrepreneurs, something some other industrialized nations already offer; and permanent resident status for immigrants who graduate from U.S. universities with degrees in science, technology, engineering and math…

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