Proposal would revamp ND support for colleges

The presidents of North Dakota’s two largest universities say they support a new method of parceling out aid to the 11 schools in North Dakota’s university system, one that partly relies on how many class hours their students finish, the Associated Press reports. The formula, drafted by a group of finance officials at four of the colleges, is included in Gov. Jack Dalrymple’s budget recommendations to the Legislature. The governor’s plan includes almost $21 million to implement the formula, and assures schools they wouldn’t lose money by it. It includes data on the number of classes that students finish, the types of courses they take, and the building space on each campus. The numbers are then adjusted to even out differences between large and small schools, and the cost of offering specific courses. Kayla Effertz, a senior policy adviser to Dalrymple, said Thursday the goal was to compare each college’s cost of educating each student, and use that information to determine the right level of state support for each school…

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