Earn a Master’s Degree in High School Education from a Leading Institution

high_school_educationIn the high school education program from Lesley University, you’ll learn practical classroom skills for working with diverse student populations; receive a thorough grounding in best practices for instruction and assessment; encounter the most current research and theory on adolescence and high schools; think critically about the contemporary high school; engage actively with current educational technologies; and apply new-found skills and knowledge in high school classrooms. You may choose to pursue high school licensure in one of the following content areas: biology, chemistry, earth science, English, history, mathematics, political science, or physics.

Why Lesley University? Lesley is a private, coeducational university in Boston and Cambridge, Mass., well known for its high-quality education programs. Its practice-based programs and comprehensive assessment system offer the experiences necessary for classroom success. Feedback from principals and superintendents who have hired Lesley graduates consistently shows they make a difference in their schools—and the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education has recognized Lesley University as a national innovator that gives candidates “a competitive edge in the field.”

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