Nominate Your Tech-Savvy Superintendent

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Does your superintendent “get it” when it comes to technology? Does he or she demonstrate exemplary vision for the use of technology to improve all facets of education–and show outstanding leadership in working to make this vision a reality?

Then nominate your superintendent for our annual Tech-Savvy Superintendent Awards, sponsored by the Pearson Foundation and Promethean and K12 Inc. Nominations will be accepted until Friday, Oct. 30, 2009. Winners will be honored in a ceremony held in conjunction with the American Association for School Administrators’ annual conference in Phoenix, Feb. 11-13.

Nominees, who must be general superintendents of a K-12 school system, will be judged according to the criteria below. Ten national finalists will be chosen by the editors of eSchool News in consultation with the previous year’s winners.

Best Regards,
The Editors

Ten “Hallmarks of Excellence” for the eSchool News Tech-Savvy Superintendent Awards

1. Must be a general superintendent.

2. Models the effective use of technology in the day-to-day execution of the superintendency.

3. Ensures that technology resources are equitably distributed among students and staff.

4. Insists that adequate professional development is a component of every technology initiative.

5. Demonstrates exceptional vision in leading the development and implementation of a districtwide technology plan.

6. Exhibits a thorough understanding of the role of technology in education and can articulate that understanding to all school district stakeholders.

7. Provides exceptional leadership in supporting the integration of technology into the curriculum.

8. Demonstrates exceptional vision in employing technology to streamline school district business operations.

9. Demonstrates curiosity and open-mindedness in considering emerging technologies and weighing non-traditional solutions to traditional problems.

10. Thinks creatively and strategically about the long-term challenges and opportunities of technology in the school district and in education at large.

[form 2 “Nominate Your Tech-Savvy Superintendent”]