TimelyMD Partners with The Foundation for California Community Colleges

The Partnership Provides Students 24/7 Telehealth Support for Medical, Mental Health and Basic Needs

(Sacramento, CA) – California community colleges are transforming the way their students access medical and mental health care, in partnership with  The Foundation for California Community Colleges (FoundationCCC) and  TimelyMD, the leading telehealth provider specializing in higher education.

California’s Budget Act of 2021 includes $30 million in ongoing local assistance funds to support expanding the availability of mental health services available to California community college students. This ongoing support comes at a critical time as around 60% of California community college students experience basic needs insecurity.

As a partner to more than 150 campuses across the country, including 20 California community colleges, TimelyMD serves as a 24/7 virtual extension of existing campus health and counseling resources, with a goal of increasing student well-being, engagement, and retention. This new partnership with FoundationCCC aims to bring access to TimelyMD’s 24/7 telehealth services to all California community colleges.

Current California community colleges partnering with TimelyMD ensure students have around-the-clock access to on-demand and scheduled medical and mental support from licensed providers – at no cost to them and without the hassle of traditional insurance. TimelyMD works closely with campus staff to help fill in the gaps where students have needs by providing in-the-moment care, therapeutic counseling, psychiatry services, or preventative care such as health coaching, virtual yoga, meditation, and grief group sessions.

“We care deeply about our students, and the last two years have been exceptionally difficult for them. Providing telehealth and teletherapy services to students is no longer a question of if, but when. Between the CARES Act funding and state allocations, the resources are available,” said Dr. Karen Engelsen, Vice President of Student Development at Victor Valley College, whose district began offering medical and mental health care through TimelyMD to students during the spring 2021 semester. “The FCCC CollegeBuys program cuts through any red tape by making it easier and more affordable for community college districts like ours to provide high-quality virtual care to meet students’ needs whenever and wherever.”

Additionally, TimelyMD facilitates access to  basic needs support, such as in-person health care, food assistance, housing assistance, transit support, bill payments, childcare, and legal services to help students stay healthy and focused on their journey toward completing their educational goals.

Students can access TimelyMD’s services using the TimelyCare app from their phone or other device, allowing them to see the profiles, faces, and specialty care details of a diverse range of licensed physicians and counselors available to them. They can choose to meet with a specific provider or select the first available. Typical consultations begin within 5-10 minutes – less than the amount of time it takes to walk across campus.

“We are passionate about providing equitable access to healthcare for all students, and we will continue to advocate for the health and well-being of community college students,” said Luke Hejl, TimelyMD CEO and co-founder. “Our vision at TimelyMD is to enable students to be well and thrive in all aspects of their lives, and we look forward to empowering more California community college students with access to care, when and where they need it.”

Campuses interested in details of the partnership can email  cbcontracts@foundationccc.org or  fccc@timely.md to receive more information and learn how to take advantage of the TimelyMD’s services on their campus. To learn more about the partnership and its benefits for California community college students, visit  timely.md/fccc/.

About the Foundation for California Community Colleges

The Foundation for California Community Colleges is the official nonprofit foundation to the California Community Colleges Board of Governors and Chancellor’s Office. The Foundation’s mission is to benefit, support, and enhance the missions of the California Community Colleges system, the largest higher education system in the nation. Incorporated in 1998, the Foundation works to benefit all California Community College students, colleges, college foundations, and the system as a whole by accelerating paths to economic and social mobility, strengthening communities, and reducing barriers to opportunities for all Californians. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization. For more information, visit  foundationccc.org.

About CollegeBuys

CollegeBuys is the Foundation for California Community Colleges’ systemwide procurement program that leverages the buying power of California’s 116 community colleges to secure and offer discounts of up to 85 percent on a wide range of educational products—from industry-leading software and technology to high quality office and classroom furniture. For more information, visit  collegebuys.org.

About TimelyMD

TimelyMD is the leading telehealth provider specializing in higher education. Its mission is to improve the well-being of college students by making virtual medical and mental health care accessible anytime, anywhere. The comprehensive TimelyCare solution optimizes campus resources and supports clinical staff by delivering continuity of care to hundreds of thousands of students at more than 150 campuses. Customizable by school, TimelyCare’s wide-ranging telehealth and teletherapy services – including on-demand and scheduled medical care, on-demand and scheduled mental health counseling, psychiatric support, health coaching, and faculty and staff guidance – are designed to help students thrive in all aspects of their lives.

Contact TimelyMD for more information.

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