Al Kingsley Book “My Secret #EdTech Diary” Releases Globally on July 14

An Insider’s View of Education Technology Historically and for the Post-Pandemic Future

Tuesday, June 29, 2021 — ATLANTA –  Looking at educational technology through a wider lens is the subject of a new book by Al Kingsley, who has also founded education trusts, served on several school boards, and runs a global education technology company, NetSupportMy Secret #EdTech Diary gets readers to think about the past, present and future role of educational technology and how it influences and shapes our education system.

Education technology is nearly ubiquitous in schools but primarily in supportive roles. When the pandemic hit, technology became the only way for learning to continue as students and teachers learned and worked apart from each other. An explosion of questions then arose as school leaders, teachers, and parents then began questioning if the reliance on technology was a bane or benefit to learning. Mr. Kingsley explores these questions and lays a framework for school leaders to plan the technology-learning connection for the future.

“Some people think of edtech simply as individual and distinct solutions to single problems they find in the classroom such as how to have a video conference with 30 students,” says Kingsley. “But this is the sea-change moment when we want to expand that view and be strategic in selecting and integrating learning technology. Now is the time to be visionary, and plan where tech fits in, where it doesn’t, and solidify its role as a learning product, not just tech for tech’s sake.”

Kingsley has spent over 30 years working and volunteering in the education sector and this book brings together his knowledge and experience of education technology to share in an easy-to-read conversational format. My Secret #EdTech Diary is not only a commentary on educational technology, it is a helpful guide of tips and suggestions for best practice, suggested questions schools should ask themselves and vendors as they plan for and select solutions. Mr. Kingsley gives advice on co-producing solutions with vendors, and includes practical checklists, guidance in strategic planning, and contributions from trusted peers in the industry.

My Secret #EdTech Diary is published by John Catt Educational Ltd and is available in paperback from Amazon starting July 14. 

About Al Kingsley
As the CEO of UK-based software development company, NetSupport, and highly regarded in the education sector at all levels in his local area and beyond, Al’s zeal for all things education-related sees him in numerous high-level voluntary roles (e.g. being the Chair of two multi academy trusts, a regional Apprenticeship Ambassador for the East of England, a member of the Regional Schools Commissioners Head Teacher Board and more), regularly speaking at events across the world, contributing a variety of best practice articles in the education press and guesting on numerous podcasts – as well as co-hosting the Check it out! show (a monthly opportunity for EdTech solutions providers to highlight their products to schools) @AlKingsley_edu

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