
University launches iPad-powered bachelor’s program

Lynn University also introduces a digital publishing platform.

ipad-universityLynn University is launching an iPad-powered online bachelor’s degree program, which will be called iLynn.

“Technology has enabled us to reimagine college,” said Lynn President Kevin M. Ross. “We have been using iPads on our campus to improve student engagement and reduce the cost of traditional textbooks by up to 95 percent. Now, we are excited to announce that we are using that same mobile technology in our iLynn program to reduce the cost of tuition by 20 percent.”

The iLynn program empowers adult students with work, family and other obligations to pursue their undergraduate degrees online, on campus or both.

The program also offers accelerated terms, transfer of college and certified work experience credits and professional coaching for every student.

Starting at $35,400 ($8,850 per year), iLynn offers a personalized education, small class sizes, and access to next-generation collaboration tools.

The school also is launching Lynn University Digital Press, a digital publisher of scholarly works designed for iPad- and iTunes U-enabled academic curricula.

“The model of having faculty write and create the texts they use in class not only reduces textbook costs for students, but also increases faculty and student engagement with the content,” said Chris Boniforti, Lynn’s chief information officer.

To date, the university has created 24 multi-touch books, with another dozen works underway, including a contribution by Presidential Fellow James Guthrie, who will address the field of educational leadership.

The university anticipates the digital press will also significantly enhance its sustainability efforts by replacing traditional printing, shipping and inventory practices with immediate access to digital content.

Material from a press release was used in this report.

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Laura Ascione

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