Training helps colleges and universities create safer campus communities while complying with new federal mandates
Cincinnati, Ohio (Sept. 24, 2014) – Scenario Learning, LLC, developer of safety and compliance solutions for schools and workplaces, announces a new suite of Campus Sexual Violence Prevention courses now available in its SafeColleges Online Staff Training System. The suite of online courses, written by leading safety experts Alison Kiss and Michelle Issadore, help higher education institutions know and understand their obligations under requirements set forth by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) and Title IX.
The SafeColleges Campus Sexual Violence Prevention suite provides training for college staff members on several key laws designed to protect students from sexual harassment, intimate partner violence and similar crimes. New requirements under the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (SaVE Act) provision, including reporting requirements, student discipline requirements and requirements to educate students and employees on sexual violence, mean that higher education institutions will need to review and modify institutional policies and procedures while carefully training personnel to be compliant with this federal legislation.
The SafeColleges Campus Sexual Violence Prevention suite includes these courses:
• Campus Sexual Violence: SaVE Act Overview. This course is designed to meet a portion of the new employee training requirement mandated under the SaVE Act. It is also an excellent primer for postsecondary supervisors, administrators and staff on the law. Full compliance with the SaVE Act requires institutions to train new employees as well as incoming students on the details of the school’s campus-specific intimate partner violence policy. Schools can leverage SafeCollege’s Policy Tool in combination with this course to create campus-specific training to achieve compliance with the new employee training portion of the Act.
• Clery Act Overview. Written by Alison Kiss, executive director of The Clery Center for Security on Campus, this course describes the importance of the Clery Act, which requires college and university campuses to disclose campus safety information and statistics. The course also identifies different categories of required reporting, discusses the elements of the Annual Security Report and defines timely warnings and emergency notifications.
• Title IX and Sexual Misconduct. Michelle Issadore, executive director of the School and College Organization for Prevention Educators (SCOPE), certified Title IX coordinator and administrator and affiliated consultant with The NCHERM Group wrote the new Title IX and Sexual Misconduct course. This course helps college personnel define sexual misconduct, understand Title IX regulations, know their obligations under Title IX and recognize effective policies. Title IX requires educational institutions to provide students and employees with an environment safe from sexual misconduct, such as sexual harassment and sexual violence.
“College faculty and staff play an important role in preventing, addressing and ending sexual violence on campus, and we want to ensure they have the training they need to do that,” said Brian Taylor, CEO of Scenario Learning. “Our new courses not only train administrators on the law, they also help to create a healthy, respectful learning environment that benefits the entire campus community.”
The new courses are available as part of a subscription to the SafeColleges Online Staff Training System. All SafeColleges Training courses are 100 percent campus-focused and written by the nation’s leading safety experts. Using the system, administrators can easily track training completions, monitor progress, download compliance reports and view or print certificates of completions.
For more information on the SafeColleges Campus Sexual Violence Prevention suite, please call 1.800.434.0154 or email For more information on SafeColleges Training, please visit
About Scenario Learning, LLC
Scenario Learning is a leading developer of award-winning safety and compliance solutions that help create safer schools and workplaces. The company’s web-based product portfolio includes solutions for staff training, bullying/incident reporting, accident reporting, and SDS management for the education and business markets. Scenario Learning is experiencing record-setting growth, serving thousands of school districts, colleges, insurance providers and businesses around the world. For more information, visit Connect with us on Facebook by visiting
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