Storyboard That is Proud to Announce Detailed Teacher Guides Filled with Amazing Educational Activities

The entire Storyboard That team is incredibly excited to launch custom teacher guides this summer focused on the power of using storyboards as an educational tool in an ELA (Language Arts) unit.

Over the last 2 years, with over 300,000 storyboards created, the Storyboard That team has seen some incredibly amazing, engaging and innovative ways to use storyboards inside the classroom. By engaging with the teacher community and analyzing what works and doesn’t, the team is proud to present the first round of Teacher Guides combining the best of the best.

Each teacher guide is focused around a specific unit like Greek Mythology, a famous literary work like Macbeth or an American Classic like The Raven. Each guide contains at least seven detailed common core aligned activities with starter templates teachers can use. The activities were chosen based on teacher feedback of what gives the most educational re-enforcement and student engagement. There is also a corresponding extended detail lesson plan for each activity type if a teacher wants to learn more.

From teacher feedback the top activities found in the teacher guides include:
* Story / Plot Mapping – A critical skill to understanding any work of literature is breaking down the story into the beginning, middle and end, or the narrative arc for high school students.
* Character Mapping – Creating a detailed list of traits and interactions helps students keep characters straight and watch them evolve.
* Visual Vocabulary Boards – When students create a storyboard that uses vocabulary in context with an image, they are more likely to remember it.
* Symbolism – Pulling out and visually seeing the elements of symbolism on a storyboard brings to life what is often missed while just reading.
* Conflict – A key part of most stories is the conflict the protagonist goes through. As students visually depict elements like Man vs. Man they internalize the concepts.

About Storyboard That:

What makes Storyboard That so amazing and well-loved is the web based storyboard creator that works across browsers and mobile devices. With a super simple drag and drop interface, a well-designed library of artwork, and a little bit of creativity, anyone regardless of age can rapidly create beautiful and content rich storyboards.

Storyboard That can be used with a free version or purchased starting at $9.95 a month for a teacher specific package. The teacher edition allows classroom management, full access to every feature and the privacy needed in today’s cyber world.

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