20 essential MOOC courses in business

Remember when you’d spend $1,200 or more to take a course? You’d slip out of work early to spend your nights with the other climbers. Who knows, maybe you hit the jackpot and took a correspondence course…usually from an institution you’d never heard of before.

But that’s changing. These days, as Poets&Quants’ staff writer Jeff Schmitt writes, you can enroll in many foundational and elective business classes online. Most times, they’re free and taught by tenured faculty from the top institutions.

It’s a pretty sweet deal, even if you don’t earn credits.

If you’re seeking quality and flexibility, MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are hard to beat. Every month, new schools are jumping on the MOOC bandwagon. And many students are capitalizing on these courses. Take Laurie Pickard, for example. She figured out how to complete the equivalent of an MBA for under $1000, using free MOOCs from schools like Wharton and Yale. Sure, you can use MOOCs to fill knowledge gaps. But they’re also a way to test your mettle, to see if you’re ready for the rigors of an MBA curriculum.

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