Predicting Big Data’s 2014

There has been no shortage of new year’s Big Data and Business Intelligence predictions in my inbox in the past month.

As the predictions have trickled in, I was unsure of the value of running any one slate of predictions as an article in itself, ZDNet reports. But once they collected, I realized there’s real value in reviewing a compilation of these predictions, seeing where they overlap, and appending a few predictions of my own.

The predictions come from a set of companies in the analytics world ranging from an Enterprise software company (TIBCO, makers of Spotfire); a publicly-traded Business Intelligence company (Tableau); an analytics applications platform start-up (Alteryx); a major NoSQL vendor (Basho); and a customer analytics company (Gainsight).  Together, these companies paint an interesting picture of what the analytics state-of-the-art and market will look like in 2014.

The overarching themes in most of the predictions are: Big Data technologies going mainstream; highly specialized areas of analytics becoming more accessible; an increased influence from cloud and mobile; the continued explosion of data volumes, driven by device- and machine-borne data; and disruption to the incumbent megavendors’ hold on the database market.

Mainstream or bust

In the Big Data goes mainstream department, Alteryx predicts 2014 will be when “Hadoop Moves From Curiosity to Critical.”  Gainsight imagines a world in 2014 where “People Stop Saying Big Data and Start Meaning It,” adding “next year it’s table stakes.”  TIBCO’s CTO, Matt Quinn, says “Big Data and all of its tools and technologies will need to move away from being science experiments, and more into the day-to-day, second-by-second operational decision making.”

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