State treasurer launches online site on Nebraska’s college savings plan

Parents and grandparents can learn more about the state-sponsored college savings plan through a new program launched Tuesday by State Treasurer Don Stenberg, the Journal Star reports.

The informational website helps parents figure out what they’ll need to save each month to hit their college savings targets, and tells them how the state-sponsored college savings plan works and why it is a good idea.

“There’s still a lot of Nebraskans that don’t know the state has a college savings plan,” said Stenberg, who has made financial literacy for students — and parents saving for college — a focus of his office.

The free online site — which can be accessed through the state treasurer’s website at — leads visitors through a tutorial of sorts on the Nebraska Educational Savings Trust (NEST), Nebraska’s state-sponsored college savings program.

It is the second portion of the state treasurer’s financial literacy initiative called Nebraska NEST Financial Scholars for Families. The first part, launched in September, provides information about personal finance for high school students as part of their school curriculum.

Everfi, a Washington, D.C.-based educational technology company, developed both parts of the education program. Nebraska is only the second state to offer the program to parents.

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