Website helps instructors write motivating messages

Teachers and college faculty members who want to motivate students may sometimes struggle to find the right words, Purdue University reports.

And even when the right words are found, students will soon tune out messages if the same words are used repeatedly.

Now, a new application website from Purdue University is available to help instructors write student messages by pulling together sentences and phrases that have been shown to be effective through academic research.

The app website, called Purdue PassNote, is free and available for anyone to use. It can be found at

Kyle Bowen, director of informatics in Information Technology at Purdue, says the messages are based on academic research in communications and education on the most effective message lengths, word choices and requested actions.

“This is the first app that we’ve built that comes with its own bibliography,” Bowen says.

The app was designed using research on effective academic communications conducted at Purdue by Matt Pistilli, who led the research team behind PassNote.

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