Top MOOC experts to follow on Twitter

Top MOOC experts include Sebastian Thrun.

A simple search for massive open online courses (MOOCs) on Twitter will deliver a torrent of information, from headlines to insight to strong opinions on MOOCs, one of the most divisive issues in higher education.

Perusing Twitter in search of MOOC news is a bit like drinking from a waterfall: overwhelming.

That’s why eCampus News staffers have assembled a list of educators, technologists, policy experts and campus officials on Twitter who provide the latest news and insight into MOOCs and how these courses are evolving and changing the higher-ed landscape.

Please feel free to suggest other MOOC experts that you follow on Twitter. eMail managing editor Denny Carter at or on Twitter @eCampusNews.

Sebastian Thrun: CEO Udacity, Research professor at Stanford, Google Fellow, member of National Academy of Engineering, serial entrepreneur.

Ray Schroeder: University of Illinois Springfield Associate Vice Chancellor for Online Learning, Director Center for Online Learning Research and Service.

Audrey Water: Education writer for and author of “Teaching Machines.”

Dave Goldberg: Transforming engineering education through coaching, training, change management and collaborative disruption .

WCET: WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies

See Page 2 fore more MOOC experts…

Siva Vaidhyanathan: Author of The Googlization of Everything (2011), The Anarchist in the Library (2004), and Copyrights and Copywrongs (2001).

edX: A global community committed to bringing quality education to everyone across the globe through an innovative online platform – founded by Harvard and MIT.

Susan Bainbridge: Author, mentor, researcher, obsessive thinker. Ed-tech,classroom tips, connectivism, MOOCs, eLearning, leadership, ICT, OER, social media.

Robert Schuwer: Mathematics, IT, Interested in Open Educational Resources.

Hybrid Pedagogy: A digital journal of learning, teaching, & technology. At the intersection of critical and digital pedagogy.

eCampus News Staff