Are MOOCs the beginning of the end for B-Schools?

Massive open online courses, or MOOCs, are giving professors the chance to teach thousands of students in just about every corner of the world, BloombergBusinessweek reports. But they’re also disrupting the world of higher education in a very big way, and how it will shake out for business schools—and all institutions of learning—is the subject of considerable debate. Among those at the center of that seismic shift is Michael Lenox, a professor at University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business. In March, he taught Foundations of Business Strategy on the online learning platform Coursera that drew 90,000 students from 180 countries. … Courses have to fill three buckets. First, they must disseminate knowledge, which is a strength of the MOOCs. Then, there’s facilitation, which happens in the Darden classroom. This is where we discuss and debate ideas. I did a case discussion in a [MOOC] forum. It was better than I expected, but I had low expectations.

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