MIT’s Gmail Visualization Tool: How It Works

Ever wonder how the endless emails in your inbox are all interconnected? Or your most frequent email contact? Or how your inbox has been affected over the years by the new people in your life, Mashable reports? Last week, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) Media Lab announced a new tool that uses your Gmail metadata to build a visual map of the web you’ve created with others. The tool, called Immersion, has clearly resonated with people. And due to the influx of traffic, the site even crashed the site temporarily. The team behind Immersion is billing it as a way to dive into the history of your email life. The move is part of a larger trend that enables you to visualize the data you put onto the web, such as turning your personal information into an interactive infographic with the click of a button. “If you look at the big picture, Immersion is a visual representation of the webs that you have woven with other people through email conversations,” Immersion co-creator Deepak Jagdish told Mashable via email. “It makes it very clear who your top collaborators are, and which are the clusters of people relevant in your email life at any point in time from the past to the present.”

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