How a new free online computer science course could bring college prep to everyone

All the equality cheerleading in the world won’t make Silicon Valley more colorful if only a select class of elite students have access to Computer Science, Tech Crunch reports. According to the College Board, only 11% of schools offer Advanced Placement Computer Science, serving a very select group of 30,000 students annually. Now, some diversity may be heading the Valley’s way thanks to Former New York Schools Chancellor and Amplify CEO, Joel Klein, who is giving away a free Massively Open Online Course in Advanced Placement Computer Science. “There’s very few really good computer science teachers in America”, Klein tells me, at the The Atlantic’s Aspen Ideas Festival. “There are lots of kids who are prepared and could do well in these programs.” Starting this Fall, Amplify will provide an interactive online course to students around the country. More than 3,000 schools will offer students 2 semesters worth of credit hours. While details are scant on the curriculum, it will hopefully open up a path to a more colorful technology sector.

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