7 celebrities who took online courses

Shaquille O’Neal played on four NBA championship teams, won three consecutive NBA Finals MVP awards and was named one of the 50 Greatest Players in NBA history, the New York Daily News reports. But the 7-foot-1 star believes his sports achievements hold no candle to his academic ones. “Sports for me has always been, you know, fairy tale life. And this right here is real life,” he told the AP in 2005 after earning his online MBA degree from the University of Phoenix. “This right here means more.” O’Neal, who went on to earn a doctorate in education through Barry University’s blended program last May, is one of several stars who have taken online courses. With the pressure of constant matches and film shoots, it can be a challenge for athletes and celebrities to find time for course work. For the famous, just like for many working adults, pursuing an online degree might be the only way to fit formal education into hectic schedules.

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