We are undertaking the development of a free multimedia English dictionary (Dictionary 3.0, D3) that will allow students to look up words on the fly as they are reading, anytime, anywhere. Such support is very important and useful as a major factor affecting reading comprehension is vocabulary knowledge. A multimedia dictionary will provide a more powerful and efficient learning experience for students than the current text-based dictionaries available in paper, online, or in e-reader software. See our YouTube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1C0L_PWsclA ). The dictionary will be cross-platform and accessible on all devices (phones, tablets, PCs…). Currently, the prototype works in Chrome on a PC, safari on a mac, and on an iPad/iPhone. To see a sample entry go to http://smartdictionary.imtc.gatech.edu/index.html and type in “spooky”. Then click on the thumbnail in the left corner to see the full entry for “spooky”. You should see the words “Spooky”, a definition and sample sentence, and a video that illustrates the sample sentence. Also try “snob”. When complete this tool will also provide teachers with a ready-made multimedia reference for help when explaining a word’s meaning or concept in any subject.
We need help. We are raising funds for this project at fundageek.com (http://www.fundageek.com/project/detail/778/Dictionary-30 ) Please consider making a donation and visit our project. D3 will be the “killer app” for education and literacy. Be a part of a powerful learning tool.
Harley Hamilton, PhD
Senior Research Scientist
School of Interactive Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
New School Safety Resources
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