Online Spring Camp to Offer Teacher Training in Quest-based Learning


April 18, 2013 Founder & CEO, GoGoLabs, 208.991.4801
Cheryl Haas, Haas Communications

Online Spring Camp to Offer Teacher Training in Quest-Based Learning

GoGoLabs, a disruptive learning technology company that developed 3D Game Lab, a quest-based learning platform, will offer an online Spring Teacher Camp May 1-21. Participants will experience a unique quest-based learning format, and learn how personalized learning pathways and game mechanics such as experience points, badges and rewards can be used to motivate and engage students in mastery learning. The camp is conducted fully online. Registration is $245 per player and includes a year of on-going access to participate in additional camps at no extra charge and to use with students. To register, visit Professional development credit is available through Boise State University.
“As my students say, ‘3D Game Lab rocks!’” said Tracie Hightower, who teaches Enrichment to fourth- and fifth-graders at the Roeper School in Bloomfield Hills, Mich. “It’s been a great source of inspiration of what ‘engagement’ really is for students. The environment has delivered on everything I promised to the students, parents and administration. Teachers passing by our classroom were amazed at how focused the students were during our time together.” Early research results show students complete more work in less time, receive higher overall grades on average, and remain persistent in their learning when working in 3D GameLab.
Using 3D Game Lab, teachers will “level up” in their own professional development and participate in the guild site, a global learning community for educators. Working with guild officers, teachers will learn how to play, share and remix quests that are tied to Common Core, NGSS and ISTE Standards. Over 13 synchronous events will occur in environments such as Skype, World of Warcraft, video conferencing and virtual worlds. The Teacher Dashboard allows teachers to invite up to 175 students into their personal group of quests, and student progress toward success.
Strands in the May teacher camp will include:
• 21st Century Tech Integration
• Ready to Raid! Critical Thinking in World of Warcraft
• Creativity & Digital Media in the Classroom
• Which (Virtual) World Are You?
• Quest Design Bootcamp
• Photoshoppers
For more information, email

Based in Boise, Idaho, GoGo Labs is a disruptive learning technology company, a spin-out from Boise State University. GoGo Labs’ online quest-based learning platform, 3D Game Lab, allows the player to choose among quests to create a personalized learning pathway, and receive badges and rewards as incentives. 3D Game Lab, launched in open beta in 2013, was one of the 2012 winners of the national Digital Media & Learning Competition, and an SIIA Innovation Incubator Finalist. It is specifically designed for classroom teachers to create an environment of challenge, engagement, mastery and fun for students. The beta version of the online platform has been used in K-12, higher education and corporate training.

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