Apple iBooks for Teacher Training

We are pleased to announce publication of two new iBooks – ACTING for TEACHERS and MANAGING for TEACHERS. You can learn more about each of these interactive eBooks by visiting our newly designed website –

iBooks are textbooks that run on Apple iPads and iPad Minis. These books are full of interactive diagrams, photos, and videos. No longer limited to static pictures to illustrate the text, users can dive into an image with interactive captions, rotate a 3D object, or have the answer spring to life in a chapter review. They can flip through a book by simply sliding a finger along the bottom of the screen. Highlighting text, taking notes, and searching for content are just as easy.

You and your students can find these multi-touch books in the Textbook section of the iBookstore. There you can download a sample or purchase the entire book with one tap for a fraction of the price of a paper textbook.

To preview or purchase ACTING for TEACHERS click here –

Click on the following address to preview or purchase MANAGING for TEACHERS at the Apple iBookstore –

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Laura Ascione