BrainMatriX Leading Test Prep Program eReviewBook Now Available on Amazon Kindle

NEW YORK CITY— BrainMatriX, a leading provider of interactive self-study software, has
launched its renowned eReviewBook as a series of Amazon Kindle apps.

BrainMatriX eReviewBook apps are now available on Kindle, Kindle Keyboard and the new Kindle Paperwhite with most apps priced at 99 cents.

The apps help high school and college students study for standardized tests, including the SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, MCAT, LSAT and TOEFL. Since eReviewBook was released as a software self-study guide on handheld devices in 2002, customers have stated that it has allowed them to memorize more information in less time, retain newly acquired knowledge longer and improve scores on standardized exams.

The new BrainMatriX eReviewBook Kindle apps are much more flexible and intuitive than the typical self-study guide, with multiple modes that allow different study approaches and methods.

Each app offers four phases:

• Edit: create or modify questions
• Flash: become familiar with new content
• Test: assess knowledge of a topic
• Review: obtain feedback on the test assessment

“With BrainMatriX eReviewBooks on Kindle, students can modify content on their Paperwhite and personalize it to their needs,” said BrainMatriX founder and CEO Jacques Jospitre, M.D. “This allows students to actively participate in their learning, rather than just memorize content that’s been handed to them.”

Additionally, Dr. Jospitre said that students can:

• Memorize more by building their own personal archive of questions and answers for repeated review and assessment, incorporating their own notes, comments and references to make information useful and relevant.
• Retain information longer by personalizing, updating and reviewing their database whenever and wherever they want.
• Master virtually any topic by creating and customizing question-and-answer content about any subject to accelerate learning and retention.

For more information, visit and BrainMatriX on Amazon.

About BrainMatriX
Established in 1999, BrainMatriX is a privately held company based in New York City. The company’s products include eReviewBook, an innovative standardized test study system available on Amazon Kindle, and NoteScribe, the premier technology solution for taking, organizing and automating study notes on Microsoft Windows. Learn more at Follow BrainMatriX on Twitter, @brainmatrixinc.

About Founder Jacques Jospitre, M.D.
Dr. Jospitre is a Board-certified psychiatrist with a medical degree from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine and an M.B.A. from Baruch College’s Zicklin School of Business. During his many years of graduate school training he realized that manual study techniques could be made more efficient and flexible with technology. His training in neuroscience and psychiatry, along with his personal experience, gave him the insight to create a power study tool to help students easily review thousands of questions.

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Laura Ascione