Higher One Launches VendorPay for Colleges and Universities

Campus Intelligence integrates student experience data to answer key questions for institutional effectiveness

[Denver, CO – November 8, 2012] – Higher One, a leader in providing financial services and data analytics to over 1,250 college and university campuses across the U.S., announced its newest software offering called Campus Intelligence from the floor of the EDUCAUSE conference today in Denver, Colorado. Campus Intelligence, a part of Higher One’s Campus Labs® suite, is an innovative new platform that enables higher education administrators to gain unprecedented insight into institutional effectiveness and student success from their computers, on their tablets, or from their smart phones.

“Campus Intelligence empowers the campus by bringing numerous data inputs together and analyzing the impact of certain elements of the campus experience,” explained Eric Reich, Senior Vice President, Campus Labs at Higher One. “Intuitive, powerful dashboards and analytic reporting enable the user to uncover information from demographic, experiential, and institutional data sets to help improve student learning and success. Campus Intelligence is a groundbreaking analytics solution that has low barriers to implementation, so that an institution can gain maximum benefit from the product right away.”

Institutions can obtain data from a variety of different sources including existing data from their ERP or SIS systems, LMS systems, faculty and course evaluations, student outcomes and engagement assessment, as well as student refund data from Higher One’s OneDisburse® Refund Management® funds disbursement service platform.

“We are very excited to be able to showcase functionality that is the result of data from two of our product suites less than 90 days after Higher One added Campus Labs to our robust collection of solutions for colleges and universities,” said Miles Lasater, co-founder and COO of Higher One. “We are constantly striving to help campuses improve service to students and streamline practices on campus. With Campus Intelligence, we’re able to help institutions find new, more impactful ways to improve critical campus processes like student retention and completion at a time when many questions face higher education. We believe this to be the first of many ways in which campuses will benefit through the combination of our OneDisburse, CASHNet®, and Campus Labs solutions.”

In addition, Higher One’s Campus Labs suite was featured during the “Spotlight on Learner Relationship Management” session on Wednesday, presented by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation at EDUCAUSE.

To learn more about Higher One’s services, please visit www.HigherOne.com. To learn more about Higher One’s Campus Labs suite of services, please visit www.Higherone.com/CampusLabs.

About Higher One
Higher One Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ONE) is a leading company focused on creating cost-saving efficiencies for higher education institutions and providing high-value services to students. Higher One offers a wide array of technological services on campus, ranging from streamlining the institution’s performance analytics and financial aid refund processes to offering students innovative banking services, tuition payment plans, and the basics of financial management. Higher One works closely with colleges and universities to allocate resources more efficiently in order to provide a higher quality of service and education to students.

Founded in 2000 on a college campus by college students, Higher One now serves more than half of the higher education market, providing its services to over 1,250 campuses and 10.5 million students at distinguished public and private institutions nationwide. More information about Higher One can be found at HigherOne.com.


Media Contact:
Shoba V. Lemoine
203.776.7776 x 4503

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