Pioneering Education Open Source Initiatives to Merge

Pioneering Education Open Source Initiatives to Merge
Release: Monday 5th November 2012

The membership of Jasig and Sakai, pioneers in the development and adoption of open source software to support education, have voted overwhelmingly to merge their two organizations. The new non-profit entity formed by the merger, Apereo, will continue to foster the creation and sustenance of open source software in support of education and research – but with a significantly enlarged membership and reach.

“Apereo will build on the tradition of openness and collaboration of both Jasig and Sakai” said David Ackerman, of New York University and Chair of the Sakai Foundation, “We need stronger voices for innovation, openness, and international collaboration in education. Apereo will be such a voice.”

Robert Sherratt, Chair of Jasig, said, “We look forward to the transition to Apereo. As current custodians of Jasig projects, we positively support the future collaboration of Jasig and Sakai.”

The Apereo portfolio of software communities will include the Sakai Collaboration and Learning Environment; uPortal; the CAS single sign-on solution; Bedework Calendaring; the Sakai Open Academic Environment; and others.

Apereo will file for incorporation in New Jersey, and begin activity in the new year. It will have an initial membership of around 120 educational institutions and commercial partners worldwide, including a strong presence in North America, Europe, South Africa, and Japan.


More information

Contact Ian Dolphin via
More information about Apereo is available at

About Sakai
The Sakai Foundation is a membership organization of 80 higher educational institutions and commercial entities which collaborate to produce software to support learning, teaching and research collaboration. Founded in 2006, the Sakai Foundation has members across twenty countries on five continents. The Sakai Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) registered in Michigan.

About Jasig
Jasig is a global consortium of 47 educational institutions and commercial affiliates sponsoring open source software projects which benefit higher education. As a non-profit, 501(c)(3) membership group, Jasig organizes events promoting open source software planning, design, development, and implementation. Jasig activities and resources foster collaboration and sharing of best practices within and among communities of practice.


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