Vernier Shares Key Findings on the Value of Probeware for Science Instruction


Daylene Long
Vernier Software & Technology

Christine Allman
KEH Communications

Vernier Shares Key Findings on the Value of Probeware for Science Instruction

New white paper examines research on the use of data-collection technology in STEM classrooms

BEAVERTON, Oregon, September 12, 2012 – Vernier Software & Technology has released a free white paper, entitled “What the Research Says About the Value of Probeware for Science Instruction,” that presents research-based evidence supporting the value of probeware as part of effective science instruction. The white paper discusses the many benefits of using this technology – particularly with middle school, high school, and college level students – for data collection, analysis, and visualization of data.

To download this white paper, visit

Key findings of the white paper include
• Use of technology tools for data collection, analysis, and visualization – capabilities supported by Vernier probeware and software – can provide a learning advantage to students, as evidenced in student test scores in science;
• Use of these technology tools to teach scientific practices and support scientific investigations can help to deepen student understanding of science concepts;
• Students’ hands-on use of these technology tools is recommended in guidelines and requirements from state standards and influential national organizations, including the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) and the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE); and
• Use of these technology tools in a context of student scientific investigations can provide experiences with core scientific practices for students, as called for in the National Research Council’s “A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas”.

“Probeware provides students and teachers – across a range of science disciplines and grade levels – with the technology needed to create engaging, hands-on, data-collection investigations,” said David Vernier, co-founder of Vernier and a former physics teacher. “For educators already using probeware in their instruction, or for those just being introduced to the technology, the white paper provides informative and ample research on the uses and benefits of using probeware to help students master scientific concepts.”

About Vernier Software & Technology
Vernier Software & Technology has been a leading innovator of scientific data-collection technology for 31 years. Focused on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), Vernier is dedicated to developing creative ways to teach and learn using hands-on science. Vernier creates easy-to-use and affordable science interfaces, sensors, and graphing/analysis software. With world-wide distribution to over 130 countries, Vernier products are used by educators and students from elementary school to college. Vernier’s technology-based solutions enhance STEM education, increase learning, and build students’ critical thinking skills. Vernier’s business culture is grounded in Earth-friendly policies and practices, and the company provides a family-friendly workplace. For more information, visit
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