Three Alabama Community Colleges Implement Banner by Ellucian to Help Improve Student Services and Success, and Provide Data to Meet Accountability Requirements

FAIRFAX, Va., September 12, 2012 – J.F. Drake State Technical College, Northwest-Shoals Community College, and Wallace Community College Selma are implementing Banner by Ellucian to help improve services to students, meet data requirements for accountability standards, and make administrative processes more efficient. These three Alabama Community College System institutions bring the total number of community colleges in the state using Banner to 11.

“As a college with a long history of excellence in providing education and skills development for students seeking careers in technology fields, it is important that we demonstrate our own effective use of technology throughout our educational programs and supporting services for our students,” said Dr. Helen McAlpine, president, J.F. Drake State Technical College. “We envision the Banner system as a technologically advanced solution for managing academic and administrative information vital to our institution. Our students will benefit from the improved service levels that we can provide by leveraging the capabilities of our faculty, staff, and administrators through a quality management information system like Banner.”

Specifically, Banner will help Drake State achieve the following objectives:
• Ensure that financial and student records are accurate and that the college is able to provide the data required for adhering to evolving accountability standards established by federal, state, and other funding agencies.
• Enable increased efficiencies to help staff manage administrative needs of a large and growing student population.
• Support easy and convenient access to aggregated data and administrative queries.
• Provide easier access to a central source of data so that administrators can prepare agency reports, support strategic and operational planning, and respond to unanticipated queries for information from accrediting bodies and oversight agencies.

In addition to Banner by Ellucian, each institution licensed Banner Operational Data Store, Ellucian Luminis Platform, Banner Workflow, Banner Flexible Registration, Banner Document Management Suite, and Elllucian Degree Works, which is a comprehensive set of web-based academic advising, degree audit, and transfer articulation tools.

“We are a student-centered college and wish to remain so while undergoing anticipated, significant growth due to our recent accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Accurate information about student progress and a convenient method for students to register and maintain a sound academic plan are all keys to sustaining our focus on students. We believe Degree Works and Banner Flexible Registration are essential to supporting our students,” said McAlpine.

“The ACCS selected Banner by Ellucian as their common administrative computing platform to help the colleges manage their growing enrollments while supporting student retention and completion rates,” said Bruce Bleiman, senior vice president, customer relationships, Ellucian. “We are pleased to extend the value of our solutions to colleges throughout the Southeast and to these three new colleges in particular.”
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About Ellucian
Ellucian, the new company formed by the combination of Datatel and SunGard Higher Education, helps education institutions thrive in a dynamic world. It delivers a broad portfolio of technology solutions, developed in collaboration with a global education community, and provides strategic guidance to help education institutions of all kinds navigate change, achieve greater transparency, and drive efficiencies. More than 2,300 institutions in 40 countries around the world look to Ellucian for the ideas and insights that will move education forward, helping people everywhere discover their futures through learning. Visit

For more information contact:
Laura Kvinge
Tel: 801.257.4158

Trademark information: Ellucian and the Ellucian logo and Banner are trademarks or registered trademarks of Ellucian, Inc. or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other trade names and trademarks used herein are owned by their respective holders.

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