Towson University Partners With Learning House to Offer Professional Certification Classes Online

The Learning House, Inc., an online education solutions partner that helps colleges and universities develop and grow high-quality online degree programs and courses, has announced that Towson University’s Center for Professional Studies (CPS) has selected Learning House to help expand its online continuing education course offerings. CPS offers programs that focus on meeting identified workforce shortages for the region and address skill gaps and career advancement needs.

Towson University has a robust set of existing continuing education programs, but CPS identified a need to develop self-paced, industry-driven, professional certification programs that leverage the expertise of the University’s faculty.

“We wanted to develop our own courses and truly control the content, deployment and quality of the curriculum,” said Jeff Beeson, Director of the Center for Professional Studies at Towson University. “We selected Learning House because they represented what we needed—a partner that could help us turn classroom curriculum into dynamic online courses that engage non-campus-based learners. Their dedicated team approach is a plus because we feel very supported. Additionally, the assurance that Learning House can help with all our online education needs from course design and development to marketing, as well as provide IT and tech support is a true value add.”

Together, Learning House and CPS will create workforce and professional certification courses online that align with Towson’s core academic mission of business, IT and the health professions. The first courses will include a project management professional (PMP) certification course, an A+/Net+ certification course and a Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) course with a health information supplement. All of these courses will directly address workforce needs in Maryland.

“Developing online courses takes a deep understanding of both the subject matter and the technology. A big mistake institutions often make is simply taking existing curricula and posting it online using a simple learning management system. Towson University’s CPS team understands that reaching online learners takes something more, and we are excited to work with them to expand their professional certification courses,” said Dr. David Clinefelter, Chief Academic Officer at Learning House. “Having the involvement of faculty is critical to the way we develop online courses. We plan to work closely with the faculty at Towson University to ensure they have the support they want to build engaging courses and the professional development they need to help their students achieve success.”

Learning House collaborates with schools that have various levels of online education experience to achieve each institution’s unique goals and create a positive student experience. For more information about how Learning House works with institutions to achieve their online education goals, visit

About The Learning House, Inc.
The Learning House, Inc. is an online education solutions partner that helps colleges and universities develop and grow high-quality online degree programs and courses. Partnering with more than 100 colleges and universities, Learning House offers a business model that enables institutions to efficiently and affordably achieve their online education goals. Learning House provides a comprehensive solution to success, including curriculum development and management, faculty training and professional development, marketing and lead generation, admissions and enrollment management, student retention, 24/7 technical support, learning management systems, and management and consultation.

About Towson University (
Founded in 1866, Towson University is recognized among the nation’s best regional public universities, offering more than 100 bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree programs in the liberal arts and sciences, and applied professional fields. With more than 21,000 students, Towson University is the second-largest public university in Maryland. As a metropolitan university, Towson combines research-based learning with practical application. Our many interdisciplinary partnerships with public and private organizations throughout Maryland provide opportunities for research, internships and jobs. Towson University is a founding member of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU).

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