CML Introduces Media Literacy Trilogy for Learning Anywhere, Anytime

The Center for Media Literacy (CML) is pleased to introduce a new Trilogy of educational resources. “These curricula construction tools allow for a systems-based approach to teaching media literacy and designing curricula in a non-linear way,” said Tessa Jolls, CML’s president. “Using CML’s framework for media literacy, the curriculum design allows for consistent measurment and replication across the curriculum. Our goal with developing the Trilogy was to give teachers the “basics” so that they can build a common vocabulary and approach to critical analysis, and so that students can internalize a critical framework for lifelong learning.”

Media Literacy: A System for Learning has three parts: Change Management, Deconstruction, and Critical Construction. Each part includes a corresponding e-book, Professional Development module, and Tools for Implementation. This Trilogy is an ideal resource for administrators and staff who want to implement a comprehensive and systematic media literacy program in their district or school with a research-based framework. For more information, see CML’s website at

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