Higher One Launches Financial Literacy Month with Financial Literacy Grant Open to Colleges and Universities Nationwide
Grants Awarded to Promote Personal Money Management for College Students
[New Haven, CT– April 10, 2012] – Higher One, a technology and payment services company focused on higher education, has announced its second annual Financial Literacy Counts grant program designed to support financial literacy initiatives for undergraduate students nationwide. This announcement comes during the month of April, recognized by Congress as Financial Literacy Month, and is an example of Higher One’s continued mission to support financial literacy among college students by providing resources and promoting financial literacy initiatives on college campuses.
Grants ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 are available to all accredited U.S. non-profit colleges and universities. Grant funds may be used to support student awareness campaigns, workshops, online financial literacy tools and other activities and resources that promote financial literacy and provide opportunities for students to increase their personal financial management skills and abilities.
“At the core of our beliefs is that an educated consumer makes good decisions and that students can be financially responsible when provided the right education and tools,” explained Mary Johnson, Financial Literacy and Consumer Advocacy Manager at Higher One. “Last year, we helped get financial literacy programs off the ground on several campuses and our aim this year is to continue to help administrators establish financial education as a best practice for undergraduates.”
The deadline for submission is Friday, May 18th, 2012. Full application guidelines are available at HigherOne.com. Applicants, in addition to meeting other criteria, must participate with an institutionally recognized student organization that is involved in planned financial literacy efforts on campus. Proposed programs must be implemented between August 1, 2012 and November 30, 2012.
Higher One believes that students can be financially responsible and, when given the necessary tools, can successfully live within their means. To that end, Higher One neither offers students a credit card nor is it a student loan company. It is solely focused on higher education and a part of this focus is to increase financial literacy among students. Higher One has dedicated resources to this effort including a Financial Intelligence online financial literacy course and the One Scholarship awarded to students each year for tuition.
Learn more about Higher One’s dedication to strengthening financial literacy among students at OneForYourMoney.com or on Twitter at @MoneyTalkMary.
About Higher One
Higher One Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: ONE) is a leading company focused on helping college business offices manage operations and providing enhanced service to students. Through a full array of services from refunds, payments, electronic billing, payment plans and more, Higher One works closely with colleges and universities to ensure students receive Financial Aid refunds quickly, can pay tuition and bills online, make on-campus and community purchases and learn the basics of financial management.
Higher One provides its services to approximately 6.0 million students at distinguished public and private higher education institutions nationwide. More information about Higher One can be found at HigherOne.com.
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