More Than 3,000 Installations of OpenClass to Date
DENVER – April 5, 2012 – Pearson’s OpenClass is a winner in the 2012 “Cool Tool” Awards from EdTech Digest. Winner of the Learning Management System category, OpenClass is a new kind of learning environment that puts the focus on learning, not on technology, to improve the experience of education.
EdTech Digest is an e-zine featuring leaders in and around education dedicated to making a difference for future generations through the innovative use of technology. Now in its second year – this year doubling its number of entries – the EdTech Digest “Cool Tools” Awards Program recognizes transformative technology products and services in education.
Open, easy to use and completely free, OpenClass is a dynamic, scalable, fully cloud-based solution that stimulates social learning and the exchange of content, coursework and ideas — all from one integrated platform. It has all the learning management system (LMS) functionality needed to manage courses, and it supports the free flow of communication and collaboration, not just in classrooms and across campuses, but around the world.
OpenClass integrates seamlessly with Google Apps for Education™ and is available in the Google Apps Marketplace™, Google’s online storefront for Google Apps™ products and services. With single sign-on and a unified navigation bar, instructors and students can launch OpenClass from within Google Apps or access their Google applications from OpenClass. Launching OpenClass in the Google Apps Marketplace™ provides institutions with the easiest path to adoption and an avenue to reach institutions already familiar with the benefits of cloud-based solutions.
For more information, visit
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Media Contact: Susan Aspey, or (800) 745-8489
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