Man who paid students to drop out of college to teach at Stanford

Peter Thiel, the superstar Silicon Valley investor, has famously dismissed university as a waste of time and money, and even offered students cash to drop out. But his views apparently do not apply to himself-or to Stanford University, Reuters reports. Thiel, 44, will teach at the elite university this spring, sharing pearls of entrepreneurial wisdom in a class called “Computer Science 183: Startup.” The course is already oversubscribed, with Thiel’s return to his alma mater sparking both enthusiasm and skepticism on a campus increasingly obsessed with start-up success.
“It’s puzzling to us what he has to say,” said Nruthya Madappa, a senior in electrical engineering who saw rumors of Thiel’s class explode on her Facebook news feed on a recent evening and rushed to sign up “several minutes” after course enrollment went live…

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