UConn revises policy on abuse claims

The University of Connecticut is drafting a policy that would require all employees to report any allegation of sexual abuse to school officials, the Associated Press reports. The policy is expected to be presented to the school’s Board of Trustees in January, school spokesman Mike Kirk told The Associated Press on Wednesday. The school currently requires deans, directors, department heads and supervisors receiving complaints of possible sexual assault to refer them to the school’s Office of Diversity and Equity. Some employees involved in public safety, residential life, student activities, Greek life, athletics, student services and the student union also are required to inform the police of any reported sexual assault, Kirk said. The new policy would mandate that “all employees (with the exception of those who hold statutory confidentiality within the context of their positions) who receive reports of sexual assault must report that to ODE and/or other appropriate University officials, who would be in a position to ensure victim services and response, as well as to protect the campus community,” Kirk said in an email…

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