Sony working on 3D TVs that don’t need glasses

Sony Corp. is working on 3D televisions that don’t need special glasses, joining a race with rival Toshiba Corp., reports the Associated Press. But both companies still face cost and technological hurdles to overcome before the glasses-free units can go on sale. Toshiba said earlier this week it is working on glasses-free 3D TVs, although no decision had been made on when they will go on sale. Mainstream 3D TVs now on sale, such as those from Panasonic and Sony, require glasses. But there are already screens that don’t require glasses, mainly intended for store displays. They require the viewer to stand in specific spots for the 3D effect to emerge, and the image quality is much lower than that of screens using glasses. “Seeing 3D without glasses is more convenient,” Sony Senior Vice President Yoshihisa Ishida said Aug. 26 at Tokyo headquarters. “We must take account of pricing before we can think about when to start offering them.”

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