jobs career

Does your school offer the 6 best majors for jobs of the future?

Job site Indeed releases fields of study, majors that are best aligned to jobs of the future

Computer science and engineering are among the six majors and fields of study that can best prepare students to secure a job of the future, according to a new study from Indeed.

“Our recent research tells us that the most high-potential jobs of the future are concentrated in a relatively few key sectors, creating both an opportunity and challenge to students figuring out a major,” said Tara Sinclair, chief economist for job site Indeed. “Gone are the days when a college degree could guarantee financial security–-it is increasingly important for job seekers to think carefully about where their studies will lead them.”

Students looking for strong career paths in the future should consider majors such as computer science, engineering, healthcare administration, and finance, according to Indeed’s findings.

As of 2014, business, health services, and biological and biomedical services were among the country’s top five most popular majors, while engineering ranked eighth, and computer and information services came in at 11, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.

“If you’re interested in computer science, engineering, or another area with high demand and potential for strong salaries, the data shows it would be smart to consider a major in the field,” Sinclair said. “However, if you’re focused more on the liberal arts, you may want to look to supplement your degree with additional courses or relevant work experience through a part time job or internship.”

Overall, getting a college degree is a benefit to landing a job of the future, as 75 percent of opportunity jobs require a 4-year degree.

(Next page: The top fields of study for future job opportunity)

“The list below may be food for thought for people entering college or still undecided in their major,” Sinclair said. “Meanwhile, people who are not pursuing a four-year degree should consider getting skills that will lead to other in-demand roles, perhaps getting experience with certificate programs or requests for on-the-job training.”

In a recent study, Indeed found that 92 percent of all jobs that have shown wage growth keeping up with inflation, and an annual salary of over $57,700, are concentrated in 5 occupations: computer and mathematical, architecture and engineering, management, healthcare practitioners and technical, and business and financial operations.

Beyond competitive pay, the jobs Indeed identified have a number of other traits in common, including: high employer demand versus supply, little chance of automation, and dynamic fields that will expand, not shrink, as technology changes the workforce.

Best Fields of Study and Majors for Jobs of the Future
1. Computer and information sciences
Majors include: Computer Science, Computer Programming, Computer Networking
•55,367 graduates in 2014
2. Engineering
Majors include: Engineering, Software Engineering, Systems Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
•92,162 graduates
3. Architecture
Majors include: Architecture
•9,144 graduates
4. Business – Management
Majors include: Business Administration, International Business
•358,079 graduates (general business)
5. Health Professions & Related Programs
Majors include: Biology, Nursing, Medical Assistant, Healthcare Administration, Medicine, Sports Medicine, Physical Therapy
•198,770 graduates
6. Business – Finance
Majors include: Finance, Accounting, Economics
•358,079 graduates (general business)

Most Popular Fields of Study (2014)
1. Business; 358,079 graduates
2. Health Professions and related services; 198,770 graduates
3. Social Sciences & History; 173,096 graduates
4. Psychology; 117,298 graduates
5. Biological and Biomedical Sciences; 104,633 graduates
6. Education; 98,854 graduates
7. Visual & Performing Arts; 97,246 graduates
8. Engineering; 92,162 graduates
9. Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs; 87,604 graduates
10. Homeland security, law enforcement, and firefighting; 62,409 graduates
11. Computer & Information Services; 55,367 graduates
12. English Language & Literature/Letter; 50,404 graduates

(Data source: National Center for Education Statistics)

Material from a press release was used in this report.

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Laura Ascione